Bookmarks with tag "testing", page 1 of 1
Sql mock driver for golang to test database interactions.
A Modern Testing Framework for Go.
Flexible, clear pricing for modern API development and API design of any scale.
Ruby production code coverage collection and reporting (line of code usage)
Kitten-themed placeholder images for developers :3
Java-based tool (requires Java 5 or higher) that analyzes the metadata of a schema in a database and generates a visual representation of it in a browser-displayable format. It lets you click through the hierarchy of database tables via child and parent table relationships as represented by both HTML links and entity-relationship diagrams. It's also designed to help resolve the obtuse errors that a database sometimes gives related to failures due to constraints.
When writing tests for services, you may sometimes want to use mock objectsinstead of real objects. In case you’re using ActiveRecord and realobjec...