Bookmarks with tag "architecture", page 3 of 5
Get to know all 14 UML diagram types with the help of examples.
Managing distributed transactions across multiple microservices is challenging. Two solutions, two-phase commits and the Saga pattern are explored.
With Postgres, you don't need to immediately look farther than your own database management system for a full-text search solution. If you haven't yet given Postgres' built-in full-text search a try, read on for a simple intro.
Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
OpenTracing is a new, open standard for instrumenting applications and OSS packages for distributed tracing and monitoring. In this post we explore the features and capabilities of OpenTracing.
An introduction to Web Authentication (WebAuthn), the new API that can replace passwords with strong authentication.
Secure, scalable, and highly available authentication and user management for any app.
This article will introduce you to Postgres, explain the alternatives, and walk you through an example use case of pub/sub and its solution.
Simple, reliable, and efficient distributed task queue in Go
Structured, pluggable logging for Go.
Process background jobs in Go.
Modern email is a patchwork of protocols and extensions. Here is one article to understand them all.