Bookmarks with tag "performance", page 2 of 3
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
This article talks about two important techniques, Debouncing and Throttling, to enhance your website performance. Learn both concepts with real-life examples.
Visualizing and understanding your PostgreSQL execution plans made easy.
Samples of b-tree, GIN, and GIST indexes for Postgres beginners.
A low code optimization.
In this post, we will discuss how to make HTTP requests for higher performance in Go, and also how to tune it.
This article gives a brief introduction to EXPLAIN ANALYZE, explains what to look for and shows some helpful tools to visualize the output.
Cut your Docker build times by half by leveraging the power BuildKit and buildx on a GitHub Action runner. Enable Docker layer caching for your production builds and save time and money. See full YAML example for a production build of a Rails application.
Performance is critical to success, and caching is one basic tool for improving it. Learn all about caching with NGINX and NGINX Plus.
Learn about smaller indexes with B-Tree Deduplication, Extended Statistics Improvements, Parallel VACUUM, improved WAL Usage Stats in Postgres 13, and more.
Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.
Exposing problems in json parsers of several programming languages.
Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby.
Part of Shopify’s success with Ruby on Rails is an emphasis on writing fast code. But, how do you really write fast code? Let’s talk about a few ways to start writing faster code in Active Record, Rails, and Ruby.
Crystal has made a huge step forward to have parallelism as a first class citizen. In short, you can set up the number of worker threads on runtime and each new fiber will be scheduled to run on one of them. Channel and select will work seamlessly. You are allowed to share memory between workers, but you will probably need to take care of some synchronization to keep the state consistent.
Learn how to reduce your application memory consumption with new Ruby distribution. Tagged with ruby, docker, performance, memory.